Abby Says "I Love Sleeping With My Daddy"
by Deborah LaCroix
"Back Off Kid, It's MINE"
by Dena Cassidente
Why The Long Face?
by Lanie Dreer
Flash Gone Wild.
by Lin Simon
"Somebody,please Drop A Fry"
by Jason Snellenberger
I’m Adorable
by Deann Ferrell
Yes, I'm Quite Comfortable Thank You.
by Deborah LaCroix
What Do You Think Of My Pedi?
by Laurie
When You Coming To Bed Momma?
by Deborah LaCroix
Yes, That's You Sasha Painted On The Cabinet!
by Deborah LaCroix
Boozy Baby!
by Christiana Lipscombe
Safe To Come In Yet?
by Lesa Darnell