Boxer X 3
by Sherry Brown
Hanging In The Shade
by Julie Stocker
Buddy Is A Happy, Healthy And Fun Loving 16 Year Old Rescue
by Melanie Preston
Just A Dog And Her Toy
by Kim Artlip
Pearl My Little Girl Rescue Puppy. She Saved My Life From Severe Depression.
by Donna Berkowitz
KC CHLOE HUNTER "How Much Are Those Doggies In The Window?"
by Deborah LaCroix
Hi! Im Phoebe!
by Nessa
by Lisa Hubbert
Tropical Ty
by Gail Dolphin
Pretty Cool Huh?
by R. Scott Duncan
Deerhound Art
by Gail Dolphin
“Skye The Husky!”
by Jenn Stockdale